You will find the origin and the mathematical definition of these virtual creatures.
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What is a biomorph?

It is a virtual creature derived from the world of Mandelbrot. It was discovered by Clifford Pickover. It lives in the imaginary plan.
(remember: z = x +iy).

Creation of biomorphes

Black and white:

For each point of the imaginary plan (z = x + i y)
A loop of 10 iterations is launched.
z=f(z) is calculated
if( |x| > 10 or |y| > 10 or |z| > 10)
the loop is left.
At the end of the loop:
if (|x|>10 or |y|>10)
one marks a black pixel on white zone


The color depends on the iteration count and the value of
|x|, |y|, |z|.

The biomorphes of this site are of the type:
F(z)=z exponent +Cst.
