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French Motorists.

Papy motard is also a motorist,

when it does not have the choice.

Here an analysis of the behavior of certain motorists with respect to the motards.

Category. Type of car. Behavior.
It will not have me that one
Common style
(Laguna, Xantia, 104, Klass A etc.)
Refuse to let itself double by a motor bike. It voluntarily rolls on the left possible.
This behavior is idiotic bus in any event the motor bike will pass.
It jealous or a one is frustrated or C... or the three at the same time.
Let us leave the passage
All types including the super-sports and the trucks. It is tightened to let the motor bike double.
Sometimes it is tightened too much and bitten on the low side by giving anguishes to the motard which follows.
Friend motorist is well to be sympathetic but do not take risks for you and those which follow you.
Super!  The motard opens the way to me
Common style
(Laguna, Xantia, 104, Klass A etc.)
It takes the motor bikes for pilot fish. It sticks or follows to 50 m without never trying to double. It hopes that the motor bike will protègera it radars.
It is idiotic because nothing leaves think that the constabulary will not arretera the car.
I will have it, I will have it
Common style (Laguna, Zantia, 104, Klass A etc.) or will speudo-sportive(Tigra, etc.) It wants to double the motor bike. For that it does not hesitate to have a dangerous driving (excess speed downtown, dangerous going beyond, etc.)
It is a sign of deep debility, because a car it is not a motor bike.
The motor bike will pass without risk there or it will not pass
Unconscious swine.
All types. He empties his ashtray while rolling.
Unconscious sure of him
With port side all and the grace of God
All types. He doubles without putting his indicator because it is sure that there is nobody behind.
Many motards died because unconscious, saved a small gesture to actuate a indicator.
I am in my right
Small and average It thinks that the car takes precedence over the two-wheeled vehicles.
(if, that exists)
Partially-sighted person.
Y' has that a headlight it is a Mobylette.
All types. It confuses the motor bikes and the auto-cycles.
It is always astonished by the speed to which they move.
I can pass.
All types. It seeks has to slip between the motor bike and the side on the right or on the left. This race acts especially on the access ramps, in turns, with the expressways or motorways.
They is very dangerous because the motard optimizes its trajectory, on its way, while passing from left on the right according to the direction of the turn.
It cannot guess that a car penetrated between him and side.
For what that is used a retro if one cannot look at  itself inside
Small. It (It) recoiffe while looking itself in the rear view mirror.
During this time the car determines it even its trajectory.
I have greatest mistrust with respect to the self-managed cars.
I have the practice.  I know what I do.
All types. Its behavior is well-known and dangerous for all (car, motor bike, bicycle, pedestrian).

The motorists have also many remarks to make on the control of the motorcylcists.
That they are défoulent like me by making an Internet site.
(but it is not easy).
But especially:

let us maintain good relations between motorists and motards.

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